1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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It’s not that serious


just different

Views: 151

Mystical, magical moment filled with mischievous beliefs of sensual exploration where tickling is the catalyst for a remarkable revelation where up turns down on a doorframe and your admission the taste of pure joy as the caress of an idea creeps into alter the state of your world.

Stars falling up into an innocent sky where clouds line the surface of a moonless night.

Dark the blanket that protections as it hovers above the sea floor as the animal in the sea emerges and walks the wet sandy shore.

Millions of thoughts are the rocking path of a journey in time, where loving a course of action will evoking the changing of minds.

A morphine drip is the crown that reality took to the prom.

She dated the lesson she learned because insanity became her friend when she was far too young.

Looking into dimensions where black and white owned the scene.

A creative disposition deemed the brick in a fireplace.

The heat of the moment recalled is the year it took to catch your breath.

This will be the death of us all if we take life to serious.

It’s not that serious

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