1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Simplify my life.



Views: 188

Give me a reason to change seasons

Relieve my worries

Tell me stories of laughter where the only ending is they live happily ever after

Sooth my spirit

Release my tension

Tell me of inventions that give way to thoughts with the  most sensual intentions

Hollow my doubts with causal whispering in the dark

Open my mind with brand new observations where believing give way to a new point of view

Simplify my life with style and  grace, limitless occasions that involve you holding me

Tell me of the countless ways you will caress my dreams

Send me with your words to a future, I can wish on.

One I can take into tomorrow and polish and place on the mantle in my mind

Simplify my life by removing all of my insecurities,

Allowing me to share my burdens releasing the pressures that causing me to fear looking up  in to the mid day sky


I trust you to simplify my life

As my man it is your purpose

The plan is that I do the same thing for you

I come to offer all that I ask

I'll simplify your life if it is the last thing I ever do

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