It be just me
and the babies having fun
I enjoy just listening to 'em
playing with each other
laughing and carrying on
Little feet running through the house
leaving flowers and sunshine
in the floor
with every step
Innocence in the simplest questions
coupled with
maturity passed down from the ancestors
I like to hear 'em fuss too
Going back and forth with each other
like dey old folks in the bodies of cherubs
thinking they know everything
from the little bit they learned the day before
Makes me awestruck at their beauty
Makes me chuckle at their magic
Makes me proud of their growth
and in those moments
lie validation on why I became a mother
The satisfaction of witnessing their happiness
knowing I DID THAT
I fed 'em good
dey healthy
in a clean house
no ills
no sorrows
all about today
no thought of tomorrow
just fun with no frills
Yeah, it be just me
and the babies having fun
and then it all comes to a screeching halt
when he comes home
like somebody snatched the needle
off our favorite family record
and there's that loop
♪Daddy's home♪
♪Daddy's home♪
♪Daddy's home♪
Sunny laughter
turned into the silence
of listening
for thunder
waiting for questions to be answered
Bracing ourselves for
the wind picking up
in the unpredictability
of the weather in testosterone
Wondering why we don't ever
prepare for the rain
and gray skies
of a man
who can't see the sunshine
in his own household
My eyes locked on the eyes of the babies
and their eyes locked on mine
and I telepathically
summon the presence of the Lord
as the energy
becomes thick in the air
with the expectancy of disapproval
from a man
whose been oppressed by The Man
all day
and we don't know what to say
we just rigid
in his headlights
wondering if he gon' stop when he see us
or is he gonna run us over
and that's when the babies
'cease from being babies
and pretend
to be wallflowers
Written by Johndca Spencer© 2019 All Rights Reserved