<3 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 302

The expression of tears, our secert longings and our fears.

Aspire to be all that you are, shoot for the moon land amoung the stars.

Look fear in the face, keep moving at a steady pace.

Control your beating heart everytime you see their face.

Searching for the very best found in every path, modeled in each and every test.

Its in everything we see, it breathes new life into me.

Its uttered in every sound, make your imprint hold your ground.

Its seeing perfect in imperfections, its viewing it as a whole and never in sections.

Making a stand for what you believe in even if standing alone, almost like surrounded by a thousand rocks and you being the only stone.

Aspire to be true to who you are, you've won your battles you've shown your scars.

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Kizle says:

muey bueno haha

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