poetunleashed | Poetry Vibe
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when it ends



Views: 293

It ends in tears and blood spilled 

When demons refuse to control their urges 

To prevent dark thoughts 

From usurping power and taking over 

Embedding minds with a thirst 

Only spilling blood will quench

When will it end? 

This demonic plague 

Which cascades and fills beings with no remorse 

No empathy or sympathy for human life 

When will this existence end? 

When pain and bruises fly 

A consequence of men too weak

In both mind and body 

When it ends gallons would have spilled

Lives would have been lost

And souls would rotten and morphed

Into figures unrecognizable  

Yet we shall still question

What she could have done

While refusing to see the pain left behind

By beings too weak to see the error of their ways

Beings to blind to warning signs

Which illuminate blindingly

When it ends

Blood will be spilled

Lives will be lost

Only the pain of questions will remain

Questions whose answers will lie with the bones

Of victims who could have been saved

When will it end?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A pround questioning poetunleashed. May the day soon come when the ponds of spilled blood dry up and clog the flow apathy. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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