beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Live your best life



Views: 313

Trying to live your best life today is hard. All around us we see destrustion and violence, hate and gealousy. I try hard to look for the good in people. But I must say, it is harder to see. I remember when family and friends were everything to family ties are broken, and friendships are superficial. Wow! this is so upsetting to me. Children turning against their parents for what? Dig deep in your heart to find the truth at the most. The virtual reality is among us. Living in a robotic society that is going down fast. Concertrating on things that will not last. It is hard to write when things are not right. I hate to write about things that is down, and upsetting to me. I love to put out positive flows. to uplift and make the heart glow. As I sit here watching the wonderful nature that God provides. In spite of all. I still strive for my best life to continue to unfold. For in reality that is all that matters. When truth is told. So my message today is for all to "Strive for your best Life". Beblessed. By. Beafaithful /9/3/19

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love_supreme says:

I really liked this poem

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Brownchildt says:

This poem is true, heart felt . Its sad but beautiful
Contest Winner  

beafaithful says:

Thanks for the comments. But sometimes reality is hard, but true. God bless

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