Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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What if Love was enough?


just different

Views: 219

What if love was enough...& I mean REALLY enough...

Like enough to carry a relationship through the depths of hell and back to the promised land time & time again.

What if love was enough to pull one through the pain inflicted by the treachery and betrayal of a lover?

Would infidelities be removed from the current list of tragedies?

Could you understand how ones eyes could be attracted and heart be infatuated with another while still being in love with you?

If love was enough...would our response change when someone explains how they love you but love them too?

Could you accept that you are loved for your specific set of qualities and he or she loved for theirs?

Could you handle knowing that both sets of qualities could be loved equally,

 and love for one does not equate to the loss of love for another?

If love was enough...could we collaborate to end the epidemic of damaged and broken homes?

Fathers, Mothers, and lovers, working side by side to redefine what love means on their own.

What if love was enough for me to be as free as I want to...

If love was enough tell me....what would you do?

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HumbleMeeksEpiphany says:

WOW, absolutely Sensational and mind blowing🙏🏼💪🏿

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