beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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Hope for a New Reality



Views: 407

People tell you lies
Just like they are little spies
Having false actions
That seem to be a Godly reaction
Dr. Jekels, and Mr. Hydes
Poping up around you on every side
Who can you trust
When they will ram your heart
Like an 18 wheeler truck
It is just lip service I quess
Oh, let us recognize this unconsious mess
Cell pools of muddy figures
With shining eyes of steel
Lack of compassion for those in need
And there is little help for the aging and ill
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Where he looked down and saw main street
Struggling to survive
All he did was laugh, and turn his back
To the ones who help him arrive
But suddenly he made a wrong move
The wall cracked from his greedy obease frame
Down he came back to main street
But his power he could not regain
His once hiearchy was gone
And no one would hear his sad song
So the moral to this poem is:
Be very careful how you treat people
And donot forget the one who helped you climb to the top
You might fall one day
And that will be a long lonely painful drop.
b.jones/10/12 (beafaithful)

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love_supreme says:

I like that your faith makes you a strong poet.

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beafaithful says:

My faith in God is all I truly have, As he speaks to me I must speak to the people. God Bless. Thks. for your comments

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