2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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A Trial



Views: 112

Another world it seemed, as I tried not to let you in. i noticed something in your demeanor that left me to conclude I was no longer the only contender for the future I wanted with you;  so often the mistakes we make of judgement rebound and we are left lost and condoounded by hurts that are revealed by bruises we try to hide, but can't because having gone through them we joiin a special group that will recognize what we are going through.  It should help, but doesn't; because this debt we pay for committing ourselves has collectively exploded into an epidemic.  For every ache and pain there is a cure.  A party, or two; another lover that is true, a change of scene, a break that is clean.  We try something new.  The horizon ahead features adventures instead of the darkness of empty hopes and dreams, it seems.  Better than the sameness of the habits we rely on to get us through lonely days and nights.  A fight with ourselves,  Inside and out.  Can be won and deliver a result that is right.      

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