J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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Aftermath (Prelude to the poem entitled "The Rebirth")



Views: 274

As it stands we are no longer friends,

But the Christ in you will not thee to fully wash your hands

And say, "You are but a distant memory meant to be forgotten."

The words I spoke to you scarred you deeply my love,

Words chosely carefully to make you feel the same pain I felt,

A pain self inflicted while my heart screamed, "The pain that

Torments thou is not pain at all! It is selfish woes seeking

Irrevalent pity! I beg you do not wish this upon her! She has

Done you no harm!"

Too late...

In my weakened state I felt satisfaction,

When it was done my heart cried

As my foolish Pride would not allow me to.

I'm sorry...

A thousand sorries cannot justify my devious actions,

A thousand solutions cannot solve the problems I put you through.

Only one solution is plausible...


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