why does it take death to tell the tale of lifes meaning, i only smile because i know you would but truly underneath is a man screaming. lost in my feelings and everytime i inhale it feels like im in hell and i see fewer reasons to wanna continue breathing. wide awake, living a nightmare, at war with these flames but death doesnt fight fair so i sleep as much as possible because in my dreams i know that you will be right there. some days i wish i never knew you so i wouldnt have to go through the agony of having to lose you. the world could never comprehend my guilt knowing i couldnt come to your rescue, the helplessness i feel realizing my prayers wont ressurect you, the rage thats inside of me knowing i couldnt protect you is only subsided by the comfort in knowing god will accept you. My todays mean nothin, yesterdays have stolen the ability for me to see a better tomorrow. i didnt know it until it happened but this was my biggest fears, cryin out for what seems like years hopin a river would form with my tears and i could swim away from this sadness until some type of happiness appears. although i momentarily mourn your death, i will forever celebrate your life so i guess joy begins again right here. the screams of sorrow and the tears of pain will soon be replaced with laughter and smiles by jus the very thought of your name. the songs of love your life sang will pour into and fill the empty hearts your death drained. your life will always bring a light that will shine brighter then the darkness of your death will bring rain, no grave could ever seperate a bond this strong, your body may be one with the earth but your spirit now rest on a throne. sadly we must come to grips that you have passed on but i cherish these gifts that you have passed on. in the face of an army we would stand firm, side by side, we ride we die, willing and ready to do whatever to ensure we leave the same way we came, together. stuck in the storm of grief and all i could see in my forecast was more bad weather but you helped raise this man so i know no storm will last forever. god couldnt have taken a better woman, your morals and everything you stood for are everything that i am so when look the world into the eye and they ask me. are you your sisters protector? i can say. yes i am