Art Blakey Part 2
I had no choice
I nurtured them
As best I could
Under the circumstances |
Art Blakey
In jazz Is A bass plus a horn or two,
A preachin' pianist
And a driven jazz drummer,
Yours truly,
I set the time whilst
Turning the tide
And parting the Red Sea.
A complex metronome,
I'm a pulse deconstructed
4/4 time on acid.
I took in Lee Morgan,
Until he became
Reduced; a blurred replica
Of his true self
Imperfectly altered;
A diminished seventh chord;
Melancholic as a
Strings of his pulled by the dope,
He had to sell his trumpet.
Lord knows I prayed
For him to return to the fold
Like a father
I grieved
My prodigal son.
I'm a leader of this band
The Jazz Messengers
embodying the mystery of Malachi
I drum them fervently
Away from darkness
Grunge 19 Paint it gunky, muddy grunge,
and let them paint me black.
Parakeets, green and boisterous, reclaim their branches,
A dog barks and the parakeets scream in syncopation.
Oh the dog! I strain to see it but never can,
Worrying every night in my bedroom,
Berating myself for not creeping over to the street
Behind my garden, Miss Pet Inspector!
All I can do is watch from my bedroom window,
Fifty or so parakeets every evening around 6pm
(Descendents of two lovers who, legend has it, took their chance,
Through the open cage door,
Careless owner pouring out the seeds whilst fretting over the nearly-finished milk).
So now, a rainbow of green hues and energy,
Leaves restless in the wind and violent feathers,
-Which is which?-makes me jealous,
interred by my sodden humanity,
Boxed-in, pathetic, and yearning to be them.
Scarber Fer Verse 1: Are u going to Scarbererh ferh? Golden necklace, franscince 'n merrh? Remember me to paigons round he'er, ...she was once a true love of mine...
Rack of ribs "Snap me". Snap ? Me? NEXT: Snap your twigs I'm snappin bands, elastic tight, I'm snapping brands, no time for little Jack or stickman. Dally Can't meets Delly Snap, ribcage meets rib rack. (TD)
Manipulated little T
Walked to cashpoint
robot girldroid, type pin number
Told by u my cash fills ur void
u force oil in my joints, cross u tell me learn to roll joints,
Inhale trees, trees make me a faraway
tree, catch T, find her ,I lost me, lost my cane sugar reason to be,
dying bee, reached too far but they don't play by rules man who hate the feds, themselves, so why did I, inhaling ***ing trees, faith gone since a pickney,
let man judge when he cyant see?
Puppet Show Me need to stop trying to understand why they play roles like u a barbie , Im a Ken, Im a me and u a ken, but why.? First guy I liked was called Ben, set the standard set my life in years like Ben Does my mirror lie and really all I know of me is 'No' says Ben.