Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Nano ...possibilities



Views: 310

We have been brought

to this platform, on the stage

of time +space

to represent

our presence 

while still lost


our own minds...


as the battle wages on

against the background noise

of ancestral waves of civilizations ...


blended back

within our consciousness...


amidst the clouds

of others illusions  


thus, here now and forever... 

we call out those

who would

claim to be masters

of others lives 



into your cloud

directly to you



in your moment

of apparent strength 


to expose you 

through and through 






the equations

of life lessons 


within our spiritual souls... 



in the roles 

we inherently occupy 

eternal vigilance


necessary adherence

to universal laws 


Not just sound bites

Alternative cause and effect


Not subject to an otherwise view

within your purview,

too radical to


with the shadow dance

Of what you call



Which differs greatly to the...

(mirror, mirror on the wall)

Truth about the current trend

To tell your half of the story

With a version of what truth you blend

With pretense and mythology

which bends the ends

Turns the middle inside out

Forms a circle you pretend is our story

Just as long as it supports your cause,

Glorifies your victories

Distinguishing flaws in others

As manifest destiny

And setbacks in your strategies

as other possibilities

spin aimlessly

Within the reality .

Though, outside the boundaries

Of what was believed to be

Feasible to such a degree

its unreasonable

To assume the heirs of your errors

will ever see,

the necessity to correct

your deficiencies 

which, of course

you dismiss


as simply unbelievable

practically, inconceivable

In the cosmos of time and space

of your ability to see

Otherwise... under the guise

of your insecurity






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Such is the nature of the nano thoughts of dwarft minds in the comos of time and its space. Nice read. Thanks fo sharing Charles2. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Since, the powers that be... persist in corruption...

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