Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 259

When …does it profit …ourselves…

To consume …what we do not produce

To such extent …we let others

Entrap and exhaust …our youth…

In exchange for that which turns out

In greater sense …of the ability to  be

Of little consequence

…to suit our needs…


And whatever charity …we choose

May or may not be… a  mere deduction to

The tax that feeds …others needs…

In comparison to

…where we have come from …too…

While still …we bleed…

From wounds …we are subjected to

Making others wealth assured…

Not to mention …the promise

Of a lifetime of work endured

For promises …of  a bite …off the apple…

Offered …by a serpent…

In guise of…

a piece of prosperity…




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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Slavery has many alive....Great Work...ONE

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thanks for stopping by... glad you are here... trying for the long run to perfect form... make plain coherent ideas come through ...with a little light gun play...
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

I always thought your work was tight....improvement is a day to day climb...but for me perfection is putting our thoughts out there knowing that if blessed with seeing another day is yet another attempt to achieve temporary perfection...Respect...Write On!!!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Charles2, I concur with Brother 2b2b2. I highly regard your work and find much inspiration from it. Perfection is only what God determines. Write on Dear Brother!!! Peace and Love, mlowe5

Tali says:

Wonderful share! And I agree, the illusion of freedom varies by the interpreter. Almost everything is monetized, unfortunately there are very few souls who want no part of this game, and have decided to step outside of this matrix. Thank you again for sharing this thought provoking piece.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

mlowe5, thank you... your stream of encouragement never runs dry, as i try my hand doing this... poetic literary course... tali_sosweet, thank you... for weighing in with your poetic voice ...with me, your thoughts are highly valued...

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Last ...but never the least... 2b2b2 your work puts to music words... to soothe the savage beast...

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