They call me Ms.
Yes I have been called worse and I have been lied on but when they called me a . I had to research the word. It is a female dog. Let’s sum this up she has multiple titties and she feeds her young and sometimes some that’s not her own and if they not well she will take them out of their misery. She also takes care of home if you come around and she senses a problem she will chase you down. Most of the time her bark is bigger than her bite but if you *** will her young she will kill you on site. She doesn’t like to fight but she will claim her stake and no will she take. She chooses one lover and has his litter and turns his trash into a treasure. She keeps them warm until they can fend for them selves and if their legs are weak she will make them wait then when they are ready she will show them the way and made sure they are ready the next day. She teaches them the ropes and shows them the way by the time she’s done they will know what games to play. She is strong and independent. When the strays come around she will fight them off and then wait for her king to come hit her off. If you want to call me names I will take because if you do your research she is faithful and loyal. Not every woman or a girl could handle the name but now that I know the meaning it don’t hit me the same. I’ll be that and I will not even get mad but when I call you a dog it don’t mean the same. You can call me Ms.