Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Jealous (Timeless Book)



Views: 212

I'm jealous of anything that gets to interact with you daily,

I'd love to switch places with one so I can be closer to my lady.


I'd like to be your mirror because it gets to tell you that you're beautiful before anyone else can see you,

And the confidence you get from looking at it is something I want you to find in me too.

I'd love to wrap myself in your natural fragrance and cling to your body like the clothes you wear.

It would be a dream to get the luxury of holding on to you forever no matter when or where.

While most would say shoes just get stepped on all day,

I'd love to be yours because they get to make out with those pretty little feet in the most intimate way.

I'd kill to be the bed that gets to hold you up and support you as you sleep.

Or the pillow that comforts your head & holds the secrets that you keep.

Make me your driver's seat so you can sit in my lap as we drive off into forever,

Or maybe just a fraction of any of these things because even a small amount of you could make me the happiest man ever.

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