2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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first love

Views: 174

So young, and so eager to have what I see others with.  Disturbing, to want to be a part of life and plan for a life with another,  discovery.  Aching to do and yet feel restrained by constraints of age of rules of self.  doomed, before you begin to have someone whose found you and knowwing you'll lose, because it has happened time and again.  Watching, the successes and waiting for your own and the day comes when you are not alone and you wonder how long can I have this minute?   

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LP45 says:

Love comes and goes all through life. Sometimes we just have to live by the moments we're given. All things come in due time. Just don't give up. Thanks for sharing this 2late4luv. And with love, it's never too late.

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