1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Your Loving Wife



Views: 195


God is working on the heart. Before he opens your eyes, he must repair your heart. He must heal you from the distractions that hurts and harms have caused. We are so caught up in all that was that we can’t see what God has before us. We get so distracted in what we think should be that we get lost and don’t realize that what he desires for us as his children goes beyond what we see. The mark, press toward the prize, the high calling, Keep your mind stayed on him and release all that was, because today all that matters is what will be. For greater he that is in you then he that is in this world.   


I see you today a man of purpose, a man of power, God is going to position you beyond your understanding, and you have to understand that all you need will be revealed as God elevates you to a position of prosperity. Your rise will begin when you realize that investments come with sacrifice. That building a life begins when you lay in the small still place and wait for God to answer. I know that being alone frightens you, but you are not alone, you have never been. God has always been there, and even when you cried out, you didn’t always stop to hear. The pain and suffering that life has subjected you to, are now your victories. Your trial and tribulations now your testimonies. You never have to pretend to be greater than you are, your life will become that movement, and your world will represent that example of God’s love. Obedience has not always been your strong hold but in order to bask in all the gifts that come with a man walking with the authority of a child of God you have to realize while gifts come without repentance,   they do come with responsibility. Slow down, peace be still, listen for that calm place that you will have to learn to be comfortable in. Change sits at the doorway, you must just enter and embrace all that you desire, you as a man of God are worthy, you are important and matter more that you realize. I am forever praying for you.     


It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fails not. They are new every morning:


Your loving Wife

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