WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Enjoy life (while it lasts)



Views: 268

Another rough week at work 

But my feelings weren’t hurt

Life could be much worse

I’ve got a life, house, car, job, wife, and a kid to complain about

And my tires, heart, or knees didn’t give out

Though through all the rigamarole I still manage to fuss

So ungrateful for my blessings

Comparing my lot to other’s needlessly stressing 

Over ‘what could have beens’ and 'what I think ‘should be’s’

Instead of thinking about the tangible inevitable realities

Sickness and death loom

Nobody’s prepared for a casket or the hospital operating room

Life’s about to chew and spit us out

But we still trying to keep up with the Jones’s - chasing clout

Fixing our lips in a constant pout 

And foolishly worrying about

Things that don’t matter

Before you know, you won’t be able to control your own bladder

Seize the day, enjoy the sun and the rain

Soon you won’t be able to do either - get that through your thick brain!

The laundry, dishes, wiping and washing your own a$$!

On your death bed wishing you could still take out the trash!

The point I’m trying to imply

Is to enjoy everything while you’re still alive

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I hear you, my Brother. And before going to bed at night, always give thanks for another day in the fight. Nice share. Thanks. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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