mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Poetic Incubation


Views: 315



Here wood-shedding in the cave,

my mind seems to have gone into

an eerie state of suspended animation;

leaving words sitting around and chatting

as if they were in an induced drunken stupor.


When aroused, they seem to rise up

and hop onto a lexical merry-go-round;

or just sit there screaming as if in a dangling

seat of a stalled fairish wheel jammed in mid-air.


Being poetically comatose is a revelation

of the vacuous nature of spiritless weaving of words

void of purpose—whorl pooling emptiness

sinking deeper into illusionary nothingness.


Pregnant poetic minds do not just exist; rather, they are

living realities of the fertilization of fertile wordings

anchored in endometrial contemplative cognitive growth.


The poem is not merely a mental ejaculation; rather

it’s the result of spiritual incubation in the mind’s womb

and when the Supreme Creator deems so, it is delivered:

The she-shed and man-cave are mere waiting rooms.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

more than just whimsical musings ...meaningful meanderings finding purpose by taking soundings the depths of reflection of your spiritual source

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Charles2. ONE. Peace and Love
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. Much appreciated. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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