Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Break Up Season Ft. Leek



Views: 242

"Did the times change or did the times change us I wonder?

We used to dream big but live even bigger and we often never knew the difference."


Never knew the difference between what could be, what should be, and what is actually possible.

Always Aiming for the stars and if we missed we'd create our own.


"We would create our own light, what happened to our fire? We'd spark lighters and hold them up to mimic the sky. Soon fear crept in and we begin to limit our shine.

What if I fail, what if I stumble over myself? What happens when things get hard and I can't call for help?"


When I can't call for help I now know what happens next.

I fall into an endless abyss of loneliness and depression.

Anger and regret nipping away at my ankles as I try to walk on the water from the tears you left behind the last time you cried me a river.

Well we really went half on it,

And I would have stored some in a vase if I'd known that was the last thing we'd share other than awkward silence and a blank stare.

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