2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Way back then


long distance

Views: 196

We tire so easily when we confront the horrors of where we come from, the museums, with exhibits, the debris that it left and those who still live it. So much to accept, a deep breath, not enough, to still the quickrned beats of the soul that has toughened.  The degrees earned, despite what we learn, the shadows it casts can leave us unsettled, haunt and destroy us.  Momentarily, forgetting that personal gains are for the good of us all. Will we allow that strengthened spine to break because we still carry some baggage they could not bury?    

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mlowe5 says:

It is in the blood flow of ancestral memories that the spine of unbent backs straightens and strenthens itself. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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