Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Sunshine on Cloud Nine (AOS)



Views: 250

No Safety on me so I’m liable to pop off at any time.

So excuse my passion when you're reacting to the emotion in my rhyme.

Is it a crime to be passionate about doing what I love?

I can't stop it, it's not a hobby, it’s like my favorite kind of drug.

I get high when pen meets paper and glides from left to right.

No needle but I inject it into my soul every night.

It circulates in my blood and through my veins it flows....

Straight to the core of my heart and from there it goes.... To my brain. Where things manifest and God decides to grow art,

And from there I spit it out like lighter fluid waiting for a spark.

So light me!

Ignite me!

Help me reach my full potential!

Keep me on my drug until I become the giant that's not so gentle,

 Current lifestyle eats the sunshine and leaves the rain,

And this drug is the only thing I have to ease the pain,

But when I come down from that high I step back into reality.

Even though somewhere in the clouds is where I’d rather be....

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Contest Winner  

hitalot879 says:

beautiful poetic trim really well balanced

Tali says:

Beautiful and heartfelt write.

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