hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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What Matters Most


first love

Views: 199

What Matters Most

what matters most is a thought that is pure through the duration of time we have created a rhyme deep inside we got pains that hide throughout our life we can undergo a notion of exploration in time we shall shine for the furtherance of love coming down from a higher power from up above each of us will go through things in life blueberry & added spice with faces that leave traces to our midnight places my heart is an opened door waiting to be explored listen quitely to the Nightingale alone in the distance beauty for ashes amidst second chances relationships were meant to be together Caviar, cheese & wine created and crafted from a great design love has taught us a vibrant lesson to never to surrender to the decay in nature the Hummingbird outside your door what a fashionable decor what matters most is a heart filled with compassion writing a good epitaph for those to humbly react love is best when your buzy making other pland you understand the ocean has a way to sooth the inner longing of the soul each time the tide comes in we can surrender again vibrations throughout each temptations filled with temples of fire what is are strong enough desire to visit widows and orphans in their afflictions to honor your mother and father regarding any desicions to love your neighbor more then your own self we can make a great difference if we each try

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