Tru Sista | Poetry Vibe
Tru Sista
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 11000
contest winner
A Poetic Storm

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Desire to Touch



Views: 321


Tempting hands

Soft like cotton

Oiled with passion

Surrounded by a soulful equilibrium

An intense combustion

That touches the back of my femur

Trying to hold back every cashew embedded

Succumbing every thought or desire

Distracted by the protruding budge

Lustful thoughts craving

It’s feels like ambrosia gumbo


A garden of blossoming cummotions

Chromosomes combining to form more

Succulent fires desiring to cause incandescence within

Whispers from the sun to the full moon

And finally heavens trumpets blow

Stares from my eyes to yours

A door opens

I walk in that direction

Needed distractions appear

To stop my

Desire to Touch

TruSista ©2019

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LP45 says:

Hot like fiya! Great write TruSista. Thanks for sharing.

Bragee says:

always delivering the heat that warms me to the core!

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