Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Well Worth It



Views: 284

I can't wait.......But I will if I must,

Fighting the urge to sex you just to show this is more than lust.

Every time I close my eyes I see what we have potential to be,

And when they reopen those visions remain inside of me.

I long to share knowing you only want to know that I care,

But my brain tells my heart "TOO SOON" so everything stays hidden behind a blank stare.

If only my eyes could tell you how every kiss feels like a gift from above,

Or how caressing your body feels like flipping pages in our unwritten book of love.

So here I am knocking at the door of your treasure like a kid on Halloween,

And I know you must protect it, but if only you'd seen the visions I've seen!

Unfortunately you can't so my knock remains unanswered tonight,

Leaving me to ask how can it be so wrong when everything feels so right?

I can't wait.......But I will if I must,

Fighting the urge to sex you just to show this is more than lust.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Work....Namaste

Mingoao says:

Good stuff - Imaginative. -Peace

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