Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Views: 259

The eyes are the gateway into a person’s soul,

They tell your dirtiest dirt and the finest gold.

So don’t think it strange when I go in a daze,

Before the goodbye’s and right after the hey’s,

 As I gaze…..

 For what seems like days,

Happily lost inside the maze,

Of the most voluptuous almond colored pair of eyes,

Whose brightness can only be matched by the stars in the night time skies.

I use them to dive into your body and find a heart as pure as a dove.

It loves to care and cares to love,

But in spite of being the biggest heart I’ve ever seen

As a defense mechanism sometimes it tries to be mean.

It’s been battered, beaten, and more than slightly mistreated,

Abused and misused…..

But it’s been all but defeated.

It’s the purest of pure and also the strongest of the strong,

But sometimes even the strongest still need someone to lean on.

So I cradle it in my arms and rock it like a baby,

Side to side we rock, a gentle man and a broken lady.

But words will never be able to describe the beauty I’ve seen, 

When I look into the eyes of a princess with the soul of a queen.

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