Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Double Minded



Views: 248

I wish I never met you but then again I'm glad I did, 

You brought an end to the one I was in and made way for our new relationship to begin. 

It's bitter sweet, hate losing her but love having you. 

Lord knows if there was a way I'd do whatever to keep the two. 

It's undeniable that like two perfect fitting puzzle pieces we connected. Day one we hit it big in an unexplainable way that I never expected. 

I Stole your heart and promised to protect it, 

Never neglect it, 

Always respect it, 

But then I remember her and wish for that lethal shot and someone to inject it. 

You know the one they give inmates that have been sentenced to death? 

Let it flow through my veins and turn my heart black as I take my last breath. 

But unfortunately breaking hearts isn't considered a crime.  So I can't avoid the inevitable by doing hard time. 

Instead I've got to do the hardest thing I've ever had to do,  This is why I say I wish I had never met you. 

Stressed out, roll up and smoke a pound of it, 

I know I ain't , but I ain't proud of it.....

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