PremiumDOD | Poetry Vibe
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I can see your ethereal spirit being enveloped by an iniquitous miasma,
If I'd known heretofore I would've had ya before the end of this stanza.
That wicked cloud destitute of emotion; loudly overhangs,
You pushed and pulled but that unfaltering dark boomer-rang'd.
Alas she can no longer fend from the dread,
I will combat and brave the fray, in her stead.
From skirmish to skirmish I feel her drawing near,
My conviction versus the fear the resolve will domineer.
Step out of the darkness and into my iridescent light,
Allow me to procure the remedy that'll cease all outstanding plight.
Desist traipse and gait with me in the radiant star rays; lumen infinity,
Be audacious, and incline from upright on me when need be, as we pierce eternity.

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love_supreme says:

Very nice!

DallasCowgirl says:

Blessed with writing skills. Nice write

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