Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Undercover Angel



Views: 236


 I can see your halo.

 So even though your wings are tucked I know that you're an angel.

 They say you've blinded many men with your beauty,

And I’m willing to give my eyes away for you to be next to me.

 You're an amazing sight but your internal elegance is why I want you around.

 You lift me higher that's why I beg you not to let the world bring you down.

 There’s always going to be someone trying to clip your wings or hula hoop with your halo.

 Throw dirt on your name or try to convince you to let the day go.

 They want to kill your joy one day at time,

 But hopefully I can give you the strength I've enclosed inside this rhyme.

 What will become of us only time will tell,

 But as for right now I know good and damn well.

 I need you.

 So I'm here to help you fight.

 Whenever you leave my presence it's like, "who cut out the light?"

 Even when I'm going thru hell it feels like heaven when I'm with you,

 And I can't lose that so if trouble comes to find you it'll be surprised to find two.

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LP45 says:

Awesome write Bragee. Love the flow in this piece. This is the kid of love we need more of. Thank you for sharing this.

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