Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 183300
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
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Views: 270





Once …worlds ago… in time…      

There were good people …born of love…

Those …inclined …to give…

Rather than take…

Those more willing to live …with all heart…

Built kingdoms …robust, wisely ruled…

And built …to last…  spiritual fortresses…

Armadas… of spiritual forces… 

Forever strong…


Tides …like time…

Change …all…

Kingdoms …rise …and fall…

Love, too …comes and goes…

Though …memories flow in the depths within

Becoming somehow …spiritual…

Cross bridges …large and small…

Landscape etched …from ancient thought…  

Subconsciousness …brought through…

…realized in essence… bought…

Although …lost

As the kingdom grew beyond

All but its grief

When its founding families

Lost faith in the power of loves release

Lost the ability …to seek loves relief…  

Trusting instead… to false alliances…  

Sought wealth instead of truth

 Developed unnatural thirsts

…for naught…

Disregarded the youth…

Until the love was lost …lost …all…

Was broken and dispersed

Consumed …by greed…




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A well taught lesson my Brother! May those who have sleped through another great revolution bet slapped awake by these winded words of truth. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Its not enough to climb the tree of knowledge... we must master loves truth, such that's fruit bears the seeds ...which will reproduce the lessons to live by... and if one or more are chopped down in the town square, the encircling forests shall weep water the seeds ...of the next generations... and that each one of us has planted our hearts... and minds to follow
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

And the rain will surly fall on the fertile seeds. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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