Through the years,the months,and even the days.
From my purpose,to my habits,to the nature of my ways.
Through my tribulations and my trials,I'd do anything for my family or to protect a child.
And to create a smile whether it's motivating or daunting.
To smooth the turbulence of your flight to prosperous forthcomings.
If a picture is worth a thousand words then a thought is worth a mill.
Calculating the amount of times you're on my mind,hell Oprah couldn't flip the bill.
Committing the sins and accepting the suffering so that you'll be able to jump over life's puddles and minimize the struggles to secure a future that's stable.
I go,I stop,I plan,I plot for them,she,he.
Through experience I've learned and through thoughts I've come to terms that now I need to do some things for ME.