All these pills you take to numb your pain,
They mean nothing when there's no net gain.
I have drowned my sorrows at the bottom of a bottle
All the while living life at full throttle.
Your misery sustains me, in spite of myself,
I love to see you waste away on the shelf.
Like a nick-knack totally forgotten,
Like a bad tomato your core is rotten.
You'll live your life like you always do,
With deceit, selfishness, and insecurities bleeding through.
You can't hide them from anyone close,
Your own inner circle thinks that it's gross.
There's always a winner and a loser they say,
Maybe i just couldn't see it until this day.
You hopped on the first horse that would carry you,
Much like the needy will always do.
This beast of burden was ridden till death,
At last i get to take a fresh breathe.
There's a winner and a loser is true,
It's easy to see the one who lost is you.