Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26200
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Jumbo Sized Candle



Views: 222

Beautiful stranger whom I barely know

You sit next to me every day. 

Yet I am biased in how I am without expectation. 

I respect our boundaries

Yet I feel like I know you, 

I've collected myself in over

Five hundred different ways. 

& struck my head against rough sulfur

Imagining how you'd react. 

We meet eye level although one of

Us is clearly taller

I hardly know if our attraction is mutual


You're fragrant in both confidence

Bottling yourself to yourself

Yet I pick up on your detached sense

Of beauty. 

Standing so far yet appearing so close. 

The next time you sit beside me

I'd be delighted to bask in knowing

The perfume of your smile

Each moment becoming more


More volatile before I am cooled off

And there is nothing left

But the trail of your fragrance

Covering this fume of sulfur created

By being set on fire. 

The next time you sit beside me

I'll gladly offer you a light

And let my intentions be known

Beautiful candle

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Very Very nice

LP45 says:

Awesomely beautiful. Excellent wordplay and imagery. I enjoyed reading this Kewayne. Thank you for sharing it.

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