Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Love ...signs(revision 11.24.2019)



Views: 300

Love …signs… fill the air... 

struck blind... caught

momentarily guard... 

both of us unaware... 

nor inclined to partake of...

...enchanted grapes... 

nor sip the elixirs

of holy wine...

I sense

your heartbeats

...and you ...mine... 


One touch... is all it takes... 


...a feeling takes root

...and... when... 


As if by chance, it begins to grow

We are caught up... tumbling In the flow...

Of greater things ...hereto ...unknown...

We find wings ...get lifted to love...

Dimensions where greater minds 

...have flown

Touched somehow...

By ...a will divine...

Falling through space time unwinds...

Somehow finds clarity...

Inspiring worlds

...of change which flows , on 

To new beginnings...

Although surrounded

By worlds of fog and illusion

We are oblivious the worlds confusion...

I can not, will not fail answer the calling signs

As between our hearts which glow...

Calling to new horizons 

within our minds,

Full of unbridled hope ...we climb...

We send signals of our will

Intent still... Asking more

Until our passions spent

As you give your all

...i will in turn...

Answer you

In kind





Copyright ©2008 Charles Edward Fields 2

Revised November 24, 2019 



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful. Such is the naturing and nourishing of the Soul that only Love can give...wetting the desire with her signs. Thanks for sharing this beautiful write. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

mlowe5, thank you... Thinking of my parents... both left this year... my mother most recently... My father has preceded her, Awaiting in Arlington...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I feel you, my Brother. Both of mine were called in so many years ago. So was my youngest Son. Yet their spirits remain in the library of my mind's memory. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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