Coming to You as the woman I am,
With nothing in return, no money in my hand,
The word GUILTY written on my face,
And no sweet lies to plead my case,
Where I know whatever my sentence, will be set in stone,
And no lawyer or public defender could try a case this strong,
The jury, a band of angels, secret spies that knew my every move,
And every word, I ever said, got right back to you,
I watch in silence as You recall the events of my life and all my days,
My struggles, my victories, my rock-bottoms, and claims,
Now facing judgement, I’ve never been so afraid,
Terrified of hell fire, that may or may not come my way,
Being more hell bound, yet still yearning for grace,
In front of you I am motionless,
My verdict, I’m not sure I can face,
And after reminding me what You say is Final,
You allow me to step to You, face to face,
And after witnessing such glory, what on earth could I possibly say?