mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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New America...Coming



Views: 267



Caught in the moral tradition of liberty,

America can no longer be the land

Of free whites and the home of slaving


We have seen the writing on the wall,

Scrolled in great books and in the infamous

Document:  “All…are created equal…” in the eyes

Of God;

We have asked and America clearly responded

In the negative;

We have knocked and America peeked and locked

The door;

We are now seeking and will no longer vision intent,

But the reality;

No longer will we accept death as the only way

To free at last;

Rather, we shall live fighting to ensure life is living

Free at last.

No longer will we be the dog wagging his tail between

His legs;

Hence more and forevermore, we are Lion Kings waving

Our tail in victory:

Hakuna Matata, America; Hakuna Matata! Uhuru!

Caught in the moral tradition of liberty,

America will no longer be the land

Of free whites and the home of slaving


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mrmelody7 says:

Young Poets should read the section where it says Blacks are only 3 fifths Human
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Intriguing write... strike! Double standard/cross. Self-service, like the Doubting Thomases trying to play bo$$. Desantis coronation as the swamp king... and the legal system stacked to the rafters with corrupt jerrymandering

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mlowe5 says:

ONE, C2. Right on! Peace and Love

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