RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 67400
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Elevation comes from within!

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Views: 487

Sitting on porch stoop
looking up at dim yellow
street lights

Young girls pig tails
sway in beat to
double dutch rope
jumps on cobble stone

From blocks a far
ringing of bell from bomb
pop truck strikes attention

Visions of chocolate malt crunch
sweetness melts on
awaiting tongue

Grandma screams from kitchen
close my screen door! Angered by
in and out family traffic

Night game of hide and seek
gather hood children on tattered
grass lots our playground

Game abruptly stops, gun shots
heard across alley way 
silence laughter

Run for safety is game
of life now, bullets fired 
have no name

Summer night humidity make
skin sweat, thrust of water from
opened fire hydrants 
cool body

Crickets blissful tune give
credence that evening 
is late

Home time now
anticipation of Creature Feature
and Three Stooges 
reruns air soon

Popcorn cooked in skillet
on stove top is snack
for the night

Eyes grow heavy
body spent from
adventurous day

Auntie makes pallet on
floor between crowded bunk
beds in room

Staring into steel blade 
fan, warm air circulate 
among bodies peaceful 
we rest

Eyes close dreaming
of a better tomorrow


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:


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RonnieL says:

@ The Poet Wize...Thx 4 the ❤ RonnieL

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Now... that's what i'm talking about...

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RonnieL says:

@Charles2...Yes...Urban street nostalgia. Thx 4 the read, glad u came away with something from this scribe. RonnieL

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow! Goose-bumps from the blood flow of memories that resurrecrts similar mental homesickness of having had a blessed life in struggling surviival. This is whay we today must continue to work to ensure that "Black Lives Matter" becomes a reality within the Black Communities where psychoic Blacks are doing the oppressors' job on other Blacks. Thank you Sir for sharing the powerful write filled with so many allegorical messages. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

RonnieL says:

@mlowe5...Humbled! Thank you sir. RonnieL ✍

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thank you, RonnieL! One! Peace and Love, mlowe

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