Phenomenal Paris | Poetry Vibe
Phenomenal Paris
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 47100
contest winner 1
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Black lives matters

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Views: 344

I am searching for the light surrounded in darkness

a different path beside between a rock and a hard place

That warm gentle hug that melts the stress away

I am searching for that Godly love

That unconditional love I am searching for life that make death flee

I am searching for joy that smiles at me every time

I am searching for the remedy that heals all wounds

I am searching for certainty

Always able to pick and choose

Does not manipulate

does not control

Is not envious nor is it boastful

Casting out hate not with hate but with love

The kind of love that liberates

The very thing God has promised

the very thing he has placed within me

I am no longer searching because now I have seen

The love I have been looking for has always live within me

I am the essence of love

love conjure through me

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Tali says:

Beautiful write!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Well said. A beautiful pen. As always, wisdom dwells in contemplation; seek and there you find her radiantly waiting with the light of love that is sought. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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