Tali | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 40700
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Poetry Vibe



Views: 383


Free to be an angel of words

 Raining down wisdom or sorrows, or joy, or happiness or pain

Either way journeying through someone's mind

Through their thoughts

Their words

Their deepest emotions

Here,   I am able to be myself

No fears

No concerns of who may or may not read

Just grateful for the outlet

And so humbled by so many kind souls

Who look at me and see poet

When I just see me

I have never considered myself a poet

Or a writer I had no idea how confident that I'd become in a gift that has been bonded to my soul

I only know that here,

I am able to share with you all peices of myself

Exploration into my mind

In a land that feels like home

Thank you for creating this platform And allowing poets to roam so freely.

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mrmelody7 says:

Always a pleasure Writer/Poet a find one at that said so well said your very own canvas you also have grace and beautiful poetic etiquette
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Very nice

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Tali says:

Mrmelody thank you, I really appreciate that coming from you.

Tali says:

The poet wize thank you, for your comments

Starr says:

Indeed! Felt this and co-sign. Good write.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

i am sure happy you are here to share your thoughts and ideas... You have done some amazing work ...looking to see how many awesome new projects will come out next...

Tali says:

Star and charles thank you so very much for your encouraging feedback!

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