1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Stop looking down



Views: 327
If you want something tangible. Be that, to many sit alone wondering what is wrong, isolating because something's gone, getting caught up in the nostalgia of these old songs, felling to understand change isnt granted until you reach passed what you need and to what you truly desire. So many settle for what is near, what's convenient and it brings me to tears, to know our generation knows the truth and my love wont be your proof, that love comes at a sacrifice. And a women shouldn't dig in till she becomes a wife, and how many men would like to test her out, does next to new things somehow make you proud. I am not trying to bash you but it just seems to me if what your doing isn't working perhaps you should research what you believe, my husband said after we married, at our first date, he knew I was out of his league. He reach for the stars and that day he decided to married me. Our first date was the last date we had, because he nor I came back from that, 5 weeks later he made me his and 7 years later he brags about the love I give and it doesn't come from between my legs, I call him to walk in integrity and I speak more to his mind while massaging that smaller head. Men if your still single there is a reason why, don't blame females when it is real grown up women that your frighten by. Don't be afraid to step up get the attention and love of someone real. But its definitely gonna cost you, but I guarantee it will be worth every dime. Dont worry the nickles they will be around. We exist now you know so stop looking down

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