Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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Views: 218
You said I'm wasn't strong enough or maybe outspoken. I just knew I gave my all even though I was scared to. I've shown you the deepest parts of me that I show no one else I gave you my heart with no expectations. And obviously it still wasn't a lot. I rather lay on my bed and write poetry and listen to music all day then cry myself a ocean over you. Love is sweet to the heart but babe the taste of it is different to me, like the touch you give when you want me, and the kiss I lay upon those juice lips. Sour but beautiful love is, as always! So keep flowing openly and watch me go ghost apparently my sincere heart is not what you want then why do you want me to keep running back if i'm not want you yearn for

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