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Put Christ back in Christmas


Views: 360

The world will slow down today for a moment,   will we listen to the cries of those that need to hear a word of encouragement, will we as the children of God give the best gifts or will we fall to our knees and pray unity into the presence of a day designated for peace love and prosperity.

When will we turn to God and praise his spirit in,

I drove to work as the morning seem to be crying with the rain, so many dread a day meant to ease the strain, so many get missed not because they are not important but because God can’t be seen,  and with the lies that mask the truth this days loses what it truly means. So many religions come into play, so many blaspheme on this important day, so many know better than the things they say, but they keep the lies going any way,

 This is more than like a dance craze. Jesus has gotten lost, his purpose encased in a worldly haze and with the mention of salvation, we Christians stand around as if we are amazed. Amazed at what we allowed, we let them take this day and pushed the truth of the season into a cloud, then when another falls to the ground unless the pain affects us directly we just stand around. I am not sure whom this makes sense too, to those that complain or to those who refuse to push the truth.

The truth is, in us, GOD should be seen on every day, we may have a day but the build up to Christmas should be in the moments we pray. the times we fall to our face, the nights we wrestle with the spirits till fears fades away, the mornings God greet us to the promise of greater days and then on Christmas the family unites so those that don’t know him, so they can see his presences in a greater way.  When we get back to what truly works, then those that watch in silence will understand peace on earth, till we teach the truth of all things they will walk with blinders on because we sit in silence afraid to offend even when it is obvious things are wrong. We say what is good is bad and what is bad is good, we confuse those that wonder when the word of God is more than misunderstood. God said the truth is here to set you free and we should take back Christmas, remove the lies that come to confuse. Remind the world of the true meaning, tell the world the good news that Jesus was born so that we could live again. he sacrifice himself so we could walk free of sin,  he came to bring an example, speak truth and above all, he came to free us so we could go to the father, the greatest gift was the reason  Jesus Christ was called.

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love_supreme says:

this is real talk .Excellent write.

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1ldvirtue says:

Thanks kind sir.

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1ldvirtue says:

Thanks kind sir.

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