QueenPB | Poetry Vibe
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My Vices


just different

Views: 246

My Vices

Everyone has their vice. You can’t say. I’m not an addicted! You think because you don’t drink, smoke, or snort you’re not an addicted? Ha! Ha! Aren’t you funny! Something has a hold on you, calling your name. Got your body begging, pleading for one more taste. One more touch.  One more stop.

            For me it’s:  Pepsi and pack of Kool menthol 100s that calls my name. Something about the caffeine and nicotine gives me a rush I can’t explain. They each have a hold on me so tight. Their grip can’t be broken. Even if I wanted to be freed. I know it’s a risk, a danger. I apologize for the pollution.

The two together relieves my stress. Inhale, exhale now swallow that caffeine. They have this calming effect like no other. Please don’t misunderstand or take this as encouragement.

I truly advise that you never smoke. Some has broken the curse, severed their ties with cigarettes. Some say its all in the mind. For me it’s in the blood. Running through my veins at an all-time speed. Before you criticized me. Pass judgment. Understand too much of anything can kill you. Not enough of something can kill.

The caramel color. The bubbles. The fizz from the carbonation. The right amount sugars. Gives me the extra boost. Keeps me going. Helps me to stay awake. No Pepsi leaves me with the shakes. Take a sip. Let it linger on your tongue before it tickles your throat on its way down. Don’t drink too fast for you may choke. Feel the burn.  You know I got it bad cause I can drink it flat. Don’t need it to be cold I’ll drink it hot. Hold the ice. It’ll only water it down. Keep the rum don’t need a chaser.

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