mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 784100
contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Total poems - 365 days   300

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Let Us Be Resolute



Views: 269



Some 8736 hours, 365 days,

52 weeks and 12 months,

is timed another year—

this data having been

surpassed again—

yet, little has changed;

save nature…


For those of use sojourning

the liberation struggle

in this waste hollowing land

a year ago,

the same politico-economic

and social injustices

greet us as we continue

the sojourn…


Impeachment only vacationed

the impeached; allowing the refueling

of snake-tongued pontification,

bigoted verbosity and criminality

to remain above, outside and beyond

constitutional rules of law…


In this the “new year”,

let us not become so oblivious

to the past that we become

lost in the present to the extent

that we allow further political injustice

to strangle the future

with another “two-roped”—“two-ring”

congressional circus…


Rather, let us forever be mindful

that it’s better to be aware

then to be sorry; that the constitution

still guarantees a government

of the people, by the people,

for the people—electors—

and that no one is above the law

in “the land of the free and…

[indeed]…the home of the brave.”


Thus, with renewed audacity

and testament of our hope,

let us continue our liberation

sojourn “through the blood

of the slaughtered…towards the city

of freedom…” and justice for all.


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mrmelody7 says:

Each generation has an obligation to make things better for the next generation each will learn they have a lot to learn well documented
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

So true, mrmelody7. Thanks for the read and feedback. Peace and Love, mlowe
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. ONE. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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