Immersed in the fog of reality
the weary worn soul
must strive like all other creatures
to heal itself with inherited gifts
the Creator has given to all...
Above all others of creation
we have been given the greatest
of these healing gifts: contemplative
decision making rather than
mere instinctive doings...
Yet... "instinctively"...we tend
to occupy our time gifts
contemplating the "oughtness"
and "shouldness" of our lives—
failing to realize the reality
and precious moments of joy
infused in the "isness"
of life...we are gifted to survive...
Indeed...we as a people
of weary worn souls
are not survivors of what ought
or should have been but of what is
and always has been what it is...
In the reality of the moment
let us realize that it is what it is
and will always be: we are the children
of the "God of the Oppressed"—
The Living God of our Liberation...
Here in the presence of the moment
let us not be concerned with where
we ought or should be but aware
we’re are not where we were...
And as we focus on our liberation now
let us realize what is done in the present
gives reality to what we know and see
coming on the horizon of the future...
So, infused with the liberating truth of now
let our weary worn souls be healed—
continuing our "pushing on now"—soaring
on wings of the phoenix of liberation.