Iscomart | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
The mind is friendly stranger

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Views: 264
My heart is breaking faster than I can fix it My prayers are taken so long to appease me I wait so long and yet no word! Others see changes not too long, But mine takes ages and its just too long! Have lost so much please not my mind to, For my thoughts are damsels yet they fly to. What else am I left with, a gift that seems new to me every single day? Lord knows I tried

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I hear you, Iscomart. What you have left are those poems that you are gifted to be germinating in your fertile poetic mind.. Get to writing, Son. Need to hear more from you. We are all waiting! Peace and Love, mlowe

love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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Your prayers have already been answered just hold on brother.

Iscomart says:

Thank you very more CH Mlowe5

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Iscomart says:

Thank you very much leepaul

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Iscomart says:

Thank you very much love_supreme

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:


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