up early in the morning
have some time to kill
got a few lines to fill
in pain I don't wanna feel
something on my mind
in my heart got to confess
get up off of my chest
stuff in my life to do
stuffing stuff used to be
my issue a lot of stuff
I kept bottled up to
protect myself from being
venerable until I learned
the power of word flow
spell casting and the art
of web spinning now I
got a thorn in my life
bringing tears to life
ain't living like I used to
in more pain than usual
getting around been
kinda rough since I
woke up with a tear in
my rotator cuff it's been
difficult to reach up reach
around and reach back
it's been a strain but
I been through so many
things I'm adapted got
a high tolerance for pain
so I live with it like I live
with everything else
that's been hurting me
passed up on surgery
don't need no more scars
on me I'm good with
physical therapy