once had a dream it fell apart
in need of fixing didn't have the heart
disappointments never were late
couldn't reschedule to change the date
had to happen right away
worked on it night and day
still there were barriers in the way
under construction restoration
had to wait suddenly the feeling
went away no longer felt like
working on it felt like a waste of time
so I put it behind me everywhere
I went it followed me tapping
me on the shoulder I wouldn't
look back felt I was on the right track
though I know I gave up
on the one reason I woke up
I no longer felt the love so I broke up
my mind wouldn't allow me to
forget what I turned my back on
if I turned around it would be
facing me reaching out to
embrace me drawing me back in
once a dream lives the vision
never dies it can be buried
still it will come back to life
it's impossible to kill a dream
but every dreamer must die