Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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If they ask



Views: 314




Had numerous women on speed dial

A few long relationships 

None that left me with a smile

Not to say they were all at fault 

I'm woman enough

To admit my wrongs

Now when I hear certain songs

It takes me back

I can smell the perfume she used 

Her shampoo too

It hits me like a ton of bricks

The way crash dummies are fixed 

To deal with crisis in an instant 

It wasn't all tragic 

Let me keep it real 

My relationships lacked sex appeal

I was more concerned with what mattered

Stimulating conversation-

Someone to challenge

Getting high off the experience

Along the way 

I learned a lot about who I am

I decided then and there 

There's no way I'm settling 

No wonder they left

There was nothing else I was willing to give

They wanted every second of my attention

Then one day 

So unexpectedly 

Our paths crossed like it was meant to be

If they ask

I don't believe in destiny

I write the chapters of my book 


Never left it up to chance 

Every move strategic 

I surpassed the impossible 

I could achieve it 

Higher vibrations 

From the Universe 

Proved intrusive 

This hard exterior collapsed

At the first grasp of our hands 

That initial kiss 

Filled with honesty and tenderness 

I knew I could rely on my intuition 

My heart of hearts with all its scars

Shattered into a million parts

If they ask 

I'm not here to worship 

Let me simply bask in your delight

Admire your sunshine 

Take you in blunders

With your love 

I'd never suffer from hunger

If they ask 

You said I love you first

(You actually did)

I never wanted kids 

Marriage was just 

A friendly disguise  

One that romanticized 

Minimized freedom 

If they ask

The world turned me blind 

Real love is far too kind 

I read it in a book 

One time 

If they ask 

You're the definition of love 

In real life.



Written By: Desir'ee Chavez


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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

loving this... is easy... the dance engaging, intense... and full of love ...and life.

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The Immortal Wize says:

This left me speechless 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Chasingmysoul says:


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